oh yeah..can go on about this for hours together....been lazy wherever i have been ....be it in the school days ..or junior college or the engg. college..or as a matter of fact even this blog..i am posting after about a month or so..shii even lazy enuf to cut short words and to try and think to type less..and skip some extra typin..
i do pretend to be enthu sumtimes..it happens only when my brain realises "holy moly i forgot to switch on the dopamine dump"..and ther u go i wake to my senses ..make my self aware whether its the darn college bench ..or my pillow
but i do tht only when i want to be more lazy or so that i can get a wholesome sleep with loads of loud snoring ..to let the whole world know tht i am sleepin and if any one ever bothers to wake me up
he/she is gonna sound jus like my snoring does..
now thts one of the reasons why no one bothers to wake me up while i am gulping down the huge bouts of slumber..sleep..and laziness
no alarms are of any help..if thers anything that really gets me on my feet are the nightmares which i tend conjure up at times!!(sem7 results are on their way!!)
frankly speakin i sleep so that my brain can get some rest.....coz in my line of work it really needs to be active u see, thinkin for time slots for dozing off... makin plans for a wholesome nighty night isnt childs play now is it?..
1 comment:
hey dude......all work no play makes jack lazy dull boy...i know u are enthusiastic but haha...u are lazily enthusiastic....get some good work dude......and then see how this world looks to u....
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