its a new series on cnbc hdtv....kinda really cool though..ordinary people developin special powers due some mutations in their DNA....usin their powers to save the world and stuff...
kinda sounds pretty comical and of X-men origin...but has been presented in really cool way on the small screen..
the guy above is my favorite character from the series his name is Hiro Nagamura...a guy who can bend space and time...go back in time and correct things ..set a few things in a way which would be more pleasant and desirable...warn people about the consequence in the future of their present action..
the only one thing he could not stop from happening ..is the murder of his best friend Charlene..who was a very pretty lookin waitress at a stop-by-motel...later he realises that death is inevitable...no matter however hard he tried he could stop her from dying by murder....coz nature had already givin her a brain clot....
meddling with time has always been my dream wish...obviously such a thing doesnt exist
..but i love giving it a thought whenever i see those clock hands movin ..time doesnt exist in any physical form..it jus there..lookin at us ...starin...like a watcher..non interferring whether in grief or joy, not sayin a word about whats gonna happen next..
Hey...nice post! so many posts...nd I kept chking the other blog..lolz..nice blog re!
Nd wen's this prog aired?
seen this show man...really good!!
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