life is a matter of choices which are made in the present ...and what we reap in are its aftereffects which may occur in the future..or even probably in the next moment....u jus never know..
passivity is taking its toll.. offlate there have been many disturbing events...the dr.ambedkar issue in kanpur.....
....students deciding to end their lives...domestic violence is on the rampage...something very bad is awakening from its deep slumber..is this just the start...
casteism....dowry......psychological torchure...are 'nt we living in the 21st century then why do people who are quite educated behave like this ,resort to such idiotic measures....
are there no things such as moral fibre,compassion,love,positivity,peace left in them have they forgotten what is to live, to love and to give ...or will such things now be found only in storybooks ...
why has the good been left so far behind....has it gone completely...vanquished.....or will these people have to be reminded of it...gandhigiri for instance did leave some good things on these minds.....sadly it doesnt take long for us to forget it all....are we really so busy that there is no moment to stand and think for a second about wat we just did....agreed that life goes on and we must take it in the stride and move along....and in the fear of being left behind in this fast pace world
we jus dont stand and stare anymore do we?....or will the good rise up in the last burp of nemesis
when there is nothing left to look forward to....?
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