It was a normal day of summer 1997....the sun shining brightly behind the clouds....the periphery splitting the sunrays..the green trees swaying with the wind .... i enjoyed the view as i headed on my cycle for the first day in my new hindi-marathi tuitions (after obvious grades in the prevous year).....
I remember it as if it were just yesterday... the society was amid a lot of green tres...no matter whichever flat you stayed in, the view was equally good...then it striked me ,mother nature really knows to nurture...the beautiful sunrise amid the mountains..... the view of the sunset ...the beautiful green trees....us human beings...the way she is "equal" with all of us...and many things unique and appreciable in their own way.
Finally i arrived at my tuitions....it was the first day...to add to the students were one more boy ,one girl and the house owners daughter "barkha".
i did not know the other girls name..thought i would ask her later...as sir began introducing each one us ..... he said her name is beri...she was really pretty.... and...good looking....and we all gave back a smile to her....i had never heard of such name before ...pretty uncommon...its later i realised why was she like her name uncommon....rare.
sir began teaching the chapter ..as he asked questions we all answered ....beri never said a word she did try say somthing but we never got it clearly .....at this, sir looked at us and..jus smiled...as if he heard her before any of us did ....i really wondered why wouldnt she speak up....
how can you just stay quiet like that ... for an hour
Later on as the day wrapped up
..the other boy left early...i was about to leave ..sir said... wait siddharth lets give beri company till the gate....i agreed
as we walked... i asked her....
which school do you go to beri?
she said in a way i did not understand
....pardon....as i said
then she said it again in the same way i din follow
sir said siddharth...she goes to the B******** school
......but sir isnt that for the handica***
why there?
..because she is that... she can neither speak nor hear....
it was like a lightning bolt tearing my heart up into pieces....
how can that be sir....she looks so normal...she is so pretty..how is that possible
thats why its Unfair siddharth.....its Unfair...
Sometimes GOD is so unfair...but then its just a test...life is packed with rational and irrational things...better is to accept the challenge and come out victorious!!
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